End-to-End Encryption — what it is and how it works

Recently, all sorts of communication services often report the introduction of end-to-end encryption. But not all users understand what it means. What is encryption, let's say, is clear — it means that the data turns into something unreadable. What are the pros and cons of end-to-end encryption? We will try to explain as simply as possible, what end-to-end encryption is and how it works.

What is end to end encryption

End-to-end encryption makes calls, messages, video, audio, images, documents and other data available only to interlocutors, that is protected from falling into third parties.

They also have encryption keys. Messages are unlocked and read with these keys. Each chat has its own security code, which is used to confirm the end-to-end encryption of messages.

The security code is the visible version of the special key. The full version of the key is kept secret. In addition, each message sent has an individual lock and key. All this happens automatically — you do not need to configure anything.
End-to-end encryption is the best way to protect data

End-to-end encryption is the best way to protect data

How does it works

Unfortunately, not everyone understands how end-to-end encryption works.
End-to-end encryption uses a combination of symmetric and asymmetric data encryption.

Symmetric encryption means that the same cryptographic key is used for both encryption and decryption. In addition, the algorithms necessary for protection are applied to it, since the key itself, as a rule, is not enough. The data is shuffled in such a way as to ensure maximum security. However, the key can still be guessed, so security professionals change values ​​such as key length, complexity, and number of rounds of conversion.

Asymmetric encryption is the operation when a public and private key is used to protect data. The first is used to encrypt data, and the second is used to decrypt it.
How does end-to-end encryption work

How does end-to-end encryption work

The keys are protected by the communication channel and are known only to the chat interlocutors. The secure channel will eliminate the attack by the “man in the middle” method. An attacker will not be able to secretly intercept the traffic of clients at the time when they think they are communicating in private.

Where is end-to-end encryption being used

End-to-end encryption is most often used in applications that are created to ensure the anonymity of communication on the Internet. A number of applications do use end-to-end encryption in order to protect user’s data. However, some software vendors' claims to use end-to-end encryption raise questions.

How to implement It

End-to-end encryption can be used to anonymize text chats, files, photos, and permanent or temporary data. In some cases, the user can decide which data he wants to encrypt. For example, using some applications, you may want to keep information related to chat timestamps publicly available, but fully encrypt the content of the message.

Why use end to end encryption

The main advantage why you should use end-to-end encryption is that no one but the recipient can decrypt the transmitted messages. End-to-end encryption ensures the confidentiality of correspondence.

Cool mathematicians are constantly developing new encryption systems and improving old ones so that they can’t be cracked.

No one can get into the message and change it. Modern ciphers are designed in such a way that if someone changes the encrypted data, when decrypted, it will turn into garbage, and it will immediately become clear that something is wrong here. No one can make predictable changes to an encrypted message.
Why you should use end to end encryption

Why you should use end to end encryption

Apps that use end to end encryption

There are several examples of applications that use end-to-end encryption. The best of them include Signal, Wickr, Wire, and Anwork.

All data in them is fully encrypted. With the help of these applications, you can make calls, send text messages and files.

The most promising development for the B2B sector is Anwork. In Anwork communication takes place in closed groups. You don’t need to register and enter personal data. The application uses modern cryptographic protocols.

In order to get Anwork, download the application from the website or from Google Play or AppStore. You can be completely confident in your data security.
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